
The Vampire Council Warriors have been ordered to train social workers how to protect themselves against vampire attacks. VC Warrior Damon DeMaster’s and social worker Nicole Callahan clash at their first meeting. Even as sparks fly and tensions mount, Nicole and Damon depend on each other to protect the children of both races against the new drug hitting the streets, Crimson Rush.

The VC Warriors are an elite group of vampire who protect innocents, whether human or those of their own race. Jared Kincaid, along with other Warriors, are shocked when a fiery red head with a gun and attitude, bring news of young teens being turned into an army of half-breed vampires capable of taking out all VC Warriors.

Breaking into the famed VC Warriors compound was definitely not the smartest thing Tessa Pride has ever done, but she will do anything for her brother, Adam. The Warriors held the one person she knew was responsible for her brother being turned into a half-breed and nothing will stop her from getting what she needs to help her brother, not even a Warrior whose eyes could make her melt with one look.

Jared and Tessa join forces in a desperate scramble to find who is responsible. With a war between Warriors and half-breeds brewing, suspicions of traitors in their midst put the lives of everyone involved on the line

Leader of the VC Warriors Cincinnati branch, Duncan Roark, has devoted his long life to the Warriors he calls brothers and the Vampire Council, protecting innocents of both the vampire and human race. Things change suddenly when it is ordered that he and his fellow Warriors train human Social Workers to protect themselves in their new world of vampires. Falling in love with a human was something Duncan never thought possible, but love her he did. Now instead of being the ruthless leader he was trained to be, his focus has turned to finding the woman he loved and let go.

Pam Braxton is outgoing and loves her job working with children, but when she realizes her live in boyfriend, Kenny Lawrence, has been using her and her job for his illegal activities, she becomes withdrawn, and her world is turned upside down. Deciding to take matters into her own hands, she stays, trying to learn more of his betrayal so she could see him punished. That decision sucks her deeper into a relationship that has turned dangerous and abusive. Overhearing a plot that would put everyone she cares about at risk, she finds the courage to try to stop the monster who has threatened her friends and the man she truly loves. Now Pam is on the run, alone and with a secret that could change the already unbalanced world of vampires and humans.

As Duncan searches for Pam, the threat of losing his leadership role has the other Warriors worried, but their loyalty for Duncan is strong and they stand behind him. Duncan’s search is relentless; he knows he is not the only one looking for Pam. Even with his responsibilities slipping, he puts it all on the line to find the only woman he has ever loved. In a race against time, Duncan fights to find Pam before her past catches up to her. The Warrior’s path is clear: Find the woman he loves before the past finds her first.

Renowned for his playboy lifestyle and wisecrack remarks, Sid Sinclair knows he is the last pick for the lead investigator of human/half-breed trafficking. Never one to play by the rules, Sid takes his new position seriously, but not without driving the leader of the VC Council and fellow Warrior’s crazy. 

A human with a special gift, Lana Fitzpatrick’s life is complicated. When Sid Sinclair charges into her life, her complicated life becomes torturous; his charm and wit draws her in like no other. Having dealt with alpha men most of her life, she is a match made in heaven for the VC Warrior who thinks he is God’s gift to women. 

As the world of vampires and humans try to coexist, Sid and Lana’s lives intertwine. It doesn't take long before the sparks between the two fly and for them to realize they have both finally met their match.

I want to start out by saying that someone recommended Damon to me, it was .99 on sale on Amazon. So I thought sure why not. I don't read enough paranormal romances and we don't often review them. I was so totally impressed by Teressa Gableman that I then had to read every single one of the books in the series. I read them in 2 days. I absolutely loved each and every one of the books. 
I will say that Jared was my favorite so far, but its because he is such a smart ass and kinda gets what he deserves from Damon. I also adored Sid. OMG did he ever get shit from everyone.. Of course he soooo deserved each and every thing... 
I think that each one of these books in and of themselves are a fantastic read but read as the series just WOW..Teresa is working on Adam's story now and was supposed to be a novella but I just found out it will be a regular novel...Squeeee...then it's Slade and Jill and I can not wait for those stories. I was so impressed by Ms. Gableman that I looked up her website, for me that's always a sign of a fantastic Author. I am giving the entire series a 5 clock status..It's not your typical paranormal series but damn is it worth it.....If you wanted to know how I rated each book it would go like this...

Damon- 5 Clocks (Awesome enough to make me crave more.)
Jared- 6 clocks( Yes I know only 5 available but I really like Jared.)
Duncan-4 clocks (Good, but Duncan was a little too tame for me.)
Sid-5 clocks (Sid was a laugh riot, such a smartass. I love that.)