Thursday, January 2, 2014

In Safe Arms by Lee Christine.... Reviewed by Kathy

Legal secretary Josephine Valenti has no idea why a notorious bikie president would be contacting her, but when he is murdered in front of her eyes, she knows that she is in very deep trouble. Fleeing to her home, she's intercepted by Nate Hunter, a man she used to know and lust after…a man she used to care about.

However, Nate has changed. His leathers and his bike tell of a lifestyle that Josie can't begin to accept or understand. His is a life of drugs, money laundering and prostitution.

Though, all is not what it seems, and Josie must fight harder than she ever has before — for the truth, for what's right, and, ultimately for the man who still has a hold of her heart.

This book starts off with a murder that was watched via a Skype call. One notorious bike president murders another in front of a legal secretary. The problem, someone saw her on the call and knows who she is. They know where she is, can she be saved?

Nate turned his head and stared at the computer monitor.
From the open Skype program, a woman watched in horror, eyes stricken, fingers pressed against her mouth.
Skirting around Mulvaney's  thrashing legs, Nate zeroed in on the computer. The woman's eye's widened and she jerked backwards, as if he could somehow reach across the digital divide and physically grab her.
Mulvaney was making gurgling sounds low in his throat, and the woman tore her gaze from Nate to focus on what was happening at the back of the room.
Nate swung around, the same instant Kennett crushed Muylvaney's windpipe in a sickening crunch of bone and soft tissue.
The bikie leader turned his back to the computer in an obvious effort to hide his identity, and lowered Mulvaney's dead body to the floor."Find her, and shut her up."
Nate let the container slip from his fingers and turned to face the woman. She lowered her hand, and in the moment before she killed the connection, Nate glimpsed her face.
Jesus Christ!
He dived for the outdated mouse on Mulvaney's desk and clicked on the woman's profile,the implications of the unfolding horror assaulting his mind like death metal music.
Behind him, Kennett splashed petrol over the shabby, mismatched furniture.
Contingency plans flooded into Nate's mind.
This was bad.
This was really bad

From the start of this book I was hooked. i couldn't put it down. The characters and the story  grabbed my attention. How many of us use Skype everyday? Can you imagine seeing something like a murder on it, who do you call for help? How can you tell the police where to go? How do you keep yourself safe?What would you do if you are sure you saw someone you know helping to commit the crime? I had all of those questions. Then Josie goes missing. Her car is found wrecked but, she is not there. Who took her? Is she alive?

Did I get your attention? I know the author sure had mine. I loved this book. So many twists. Just when i thought I knew who the mastermind of everything was, I was wrong. I honestly didn't see the mastermind coming till the end. I was shocked, but I don't want to spoil anything for anyone. Josie was a great leading lady. She is smart, kind, and kick-ass when she needs to be. Nate is a total Alpha male. I loved that Nate gets her.He is just what she needs, right? Do they get their Happily Ever After? You will need to read this great book to find out. I am looking forward to more books by Lee Christine. I am giving this book 4 stars.

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